Unable to perform Exam AWS Certifification Exam due to Last Name


Hi,Amazon Team

While giving the exam today morning at 6:15AM IST of AWS Cerification of SysOps Administrator (SOA-C01).
I was giving the exam from Pearson Vue. I used my driving license as my identification proof on which my firstname is Vishesh and lastname is not there.
And on my AWS profile my firstname is Vishesh and lastname is LNU(Last Name Unused) as it was mandatory to mention at the profile it was not taking any kind of ( ., /, -) in the lastname
place so I have to mention "LNU" as lastname.

Before Exam even I'm not able to edit any of my perosonal information at AWS profile.

The details of the Exam which I was proceeding today morning

Exam: SOA-C01 - AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate - English (ENU)
Candidate: Vishesh LNU (as per AWS profile)
Candidate ID: AWS01517763‎
Registration ID: ‎382324767‎
Email-id: visheshgoyal9.5@gmail.com ( I register exam through this mail ID only everytime)

I have cleared AWS Cloud Practitioner & AWS Solution Architect Associate with the same License as a Identification proof so why is it causing issue this time.

I also mailed many time to AWS Support to assist but no response , so I was not able to perform exam.

I have CaseID which Pearson Procter created CASEID-05166017.

I request you to re-schedule the exam or initiate a refund so that I could proceed furthur.

As the Pearson Team told if you were able to give 2 exam earlier with same ID (License), AWS can reshedule or refund for the Inconvenience caused you today during the exam. And I was wating for AWS Support from last 75 mins.

Kindly assist me.
AND please tell me if some certificate required from last certifications.

Thanks & Regards,

Edited by: Vishesh1199 on Sep 25, 2020 1:06 AM

Edited by: Vishesh1199 on Sep 25, 2020 1:29 AM

Edited by: Vishesh1199 on Sep 25, 2020 3:15 AM

asked 4 years ago610 views
3 Answers


I was able to cancel your appointment and initiated a refund to the original form of payment and restored the partial voucher you used. Best of luck on your next exam.

AWS Certification

answered 4 years ago

Hi Kim,

Thank you so much for your Inputs , within how many days I'm able to receive the refund as original mode of payment.

Kind Regards,

answered 4 years ago

Refunds can take up to 7 business days depending on your bank's processing time.


answered 4 years ago

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