API for retrieving the contact details dashboard data with sentiment analysis


The API for retrieving sentiment and redacted audio directly without using transcribe and comprehend

The AWS used to enable the sentiment and redacted audio when it is enabled in flow. we can also enable to view the sentiment dashboard.

The details are saving in particular s3 for redacted audio and sentiment, whether there are any way to retrieve in aws-sdk without taking the data from the s3 and summarize.

asked 2 months ago75 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

There is an existing API for real time: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/connect/latest/APIReference/API_connect-contact-lens_ListRealtimeContactAnalysisSegments.html

For completed contacts, using the analysis file generated by Contact Lens and stored in S3 is the best option here and will allow to use services like Amazon Athena to query / aggregate the data.

Alternatively, the zero-ETL datalake feature in Amazon Connect will have Contact Lens data flowing through as well. This is currently in preview but you can sign up for early access.

answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

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