Error while creating an API product in AWS Data Exchange.


Hello, I am trying to create an API product programmatically, I'm getting an error while executing CREATE_DATASET in python using Boto3 module. This is the error: [{'Code': 'VALIDATION_EXCEPTION', 'Message': 'Unable to find uploaded OpenAPI 3.0 JSON document.'}], I tried many ways of uploading the document, but they failed, any idea how to solve it??? I was following this blog to create the product. Data Exchange Blog

asked a year ago336 views
1 Answer

Hi there! It seems like the documentation is missing a couple of details; we will get that fixed!

In terms of providing the OpenAPI specification while creating an API data set, this can be done as part of the CreateJob step. One of the parameters there is the ApiSpecificationMd5Hash, which is used for validation. When that is provided, an ApiSpecificationUploadUrl is then provided in the response. Once the specification is uploaded, start the job.

answered a year ago

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