AWS SES Email: Error connecting with SSL ... wrong version number !


Hi All,

Our account status is HEALTHY in AWS Dashboard, But WE cannot send email using our own sendemail software.

We get the below error message: "Error connecting with SSL ... SSL3_GET_RECORD: wrong version number"

We use the following settings: ######### SMTP Server: Port: 465 Security: Use SSL Username: AKIATMMFRAXUYRYCYL6S #########

Please have your time to support us.

Thanks & Best Regards. LAWS1.

asked 18 days ago292 views
2 Answers

The version number of SSL used for the connection is incorrect. Amazon SES supports TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3, so make sure you use one of them.

Use of TLS 1.3 is recommended.

profile picture
answered 17 days ago
  • Hi shibata,

    Thanks for your reply soon.

    When we use TLS, we get the error "AUTHENTICATION FAILED".

    We use our new credential SMTP account created in us-west-2 region. ########## IAM user name: ses-smtp-user.20240514-155135 SMTP user name: AKIATMMFRAXUYRYCYL6S ###########

    Please have your time to check and support us.

    Thanks & Best Regards. Litbi Support Team.

  • Hi Shibata,

    Thanks for your support.

    The details error is: ############ "Authentication failed.

    Please verify your SMTP/Exchange username and password issued by your provider during your certification process" The SMTP/Exchange server answered: Connection Closed Gracefully. ###########

    Please have your time to check and support us.

    Thanks & Best Regards. Litbi Support Team.

  • Hi. The problem is that the SMTP authentication has failed. Please download and set up the authentication information for SMTP.


Hi shibata,

Thanks for your reply soon.

When we use TLS, we get the error "AUTHENTICATION FAILED".

We use our new credential SMTP account created in us-west-2 region. ########## IAM user name: ses-smtp-user.20240514-155135 SMTP user name: AKIATMMFRAXUYRYCYL6S ###########

Please have your time to check and support us.

Thanks & Best Regards. Litbi Support Team.

answered 16 days ago

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