How to create a 30min timer for each session under serverless


Hi all, I am a beginner in serverless. My project requires creating a 30-minute timer for each user's session. How should I implement this in a serverless architecture? Thank you.

I have tried chaining lambda functions, but there is a large margin of error and it's very troublesome. Step functions also require chaining.

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asked 25 days ago188 views
2 Answers

Use EventBridge Scheduler. When you have a new user session create a schedule for 30 minutes from now. When it fires, invoke a Lambda that clears the session.

profile pictureAWS
answered 25 days ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 24 days ago

I second the solution provided by Uri of using EventBridge Scheduler. I would like to add in addition you can maintain user session in DynamoDB. When the user starts a new session, create a record in DynamoDB table with appropriate startTime, expirationTime , userId, sessionId values. When the user ends the session or when the session expires, you can delete the corresponding record from the table.

profile pictureAWS
answered 24 days ago

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