Drop in Connection Ingress for AWs Direct Connect issue


Drop in Connection Ingress (Bps) for AWS Direct Connect indicates that the Lease line has fluctuated or got any kind of issue ? But here Bandwidth has fallen from 120 Mbps to 79 Mbps.Total Bandwidth is 1 Gbps. As per my understanding if the link was fluctuated or link was down then my input traffic would have fallen to 0 Mbps.

Please correct me here

asked a year ago284 views
1 Answer

That sounds like just a dip in inbound traffic. If you want to check if the DX flapped check the CloudWatch ConnectionState metric. The state of the connection: 1 indicates up and 0 indicates down.

You can also check the on-premises device (router/switch/firewall) logs to validate if the interface flapped.

Also take a look at this link for guidance on layer1/layer2/layer3 troubleshooting.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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