Unable to install GRID driver on P3 Windows instance


Hi everyone,

As described in this documentation, NVIDIA GRID drivers are supported on P3 instances with a footnote that I can't find. However, none of the mentioned methods of installing in the doc worked for me.

When I downloaded and executed the setup program from this doc, the setup informed me that this machine does not have compatible hardware. I tried different versions of this driver(from latest v16 to v13) but none of them worked.

Then I tried to use the pre-installed AMI, but it does not support p3 instances.

Later while reading the documentation for Linux instances, I found the missing footnote in Windows version:

² Using Marketplace AMIs only

It turns out that Linux version of pre-installed AMIs (such as this one) does support p3 instances.

So is it possible to use GRID driver on P3 instance running Windows?

asked 10 months ago347 views
1 Answer


In regards to using AMIs with the NVIDIA drivers installed, Option 1 shows this list of AMIs to choose from, within that list you can see that the NVIDIA RTX Virtual Workstation - WinServer 2016 supports P3 instances by heading to the usage option on the page. Please keep in mind that your selected region can play a part in instance availability as well.

profile pictureAWS
answered 10 months ago

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