Strict alignment with SES is possible?



My DMARC reporting tool tells me that the emails I send with Amazon SES pass but are not aligned.

I was googling a lot to try to align everything and couldn't find a way. Can this be done to eventually change the DMARC rule to make it strict?

Perhaps this is normal when using a third-party service such as Amazon SES to send email.

I leave some images of what the reports look like. What is crossed out in red is my domain, it is the same every time.

Thank you

Email reporting

Alignment failed

asked a month ago128 views
1 Answer

Have you try setting up a custom MAIL FROM domain so that the Mail From domain value is a subdomain of your verified domain?

profile pictureAWS
answered a month ago
profile picture
reviewed a month ago
  • Yes, I have correctly configured custom MAIL FROM domain. From what I read in the link you shared, the answer to my question is no, strict DMARC cannot be used when sending emails via Amazon SES.

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