I got an email alert for 85% free tier usage for EC2, but i only use 4 hours of CPU usage


As the title said, I got an email with provided (screenshot below) alerting for 85% usage on my EC2 free tier as the pricing said it should gave me 750 hours / month and I haven't reach 85% of 750 hours of the CPU usage (screenshot below)

email alert free tier billing

can someone explain? im kinda new

asked 10 months ago342 views
3 Answers

Hi Fakhri, do you stop your instance after those 4 daily hours of usage? If not, you'll be invoiced on a permanent use basis. Hope it helps Didier

profile pictureAWS
answered 10 months ago
  • Hi @Didier_Durand I stopped my instance, I went to the free tier tab on billing management console and I found my free 750 hours still going on 0.99%, but I don't know what "1.0 Hrs for free for 12 months as part of AWS Free Usage Tier (APS1-ElasticIP:IdleAddress)" on my free tier billing is can you explain?


APS1-ElasticIP:IdleAddress do you have an elastic ip address assigned to that instance? If so, when you turn it off, the EIP will still be charged as an idle ip address.

answered 10 months ago

Hi Fakhri,

That's is clearly showing after 4hrs usage when you stop EC2, still EIP is incurring costs as EIP is free only when it's attached with running instance. If you stop an instance without disassociating EIP, then you'll get billed immediately. For better understanding, I would suggest to check pricing calculator where you can take a look how EIP can increase cost for stopped instances.

answered 10 months ago

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