aws lightsail api query domain create and management


Hello I tired to create from the api a domain and apprently its not possible from the region I'm, is that correct my region is central-eu-1.

this is the message i receive : An error occurred (InvalidInputException) when calling the CreateDomain operation: Domain-related APIs are only available in the us-east-1 Region. Please set your Region configuration to us-east-1 to create, view, or edit domain resources. thank you

asked 2 months ago102 views
2 Answers

You are correct that domain-related APIs for Amazon SageMaker are only available in the US East (N. Virginia) region at this time. The error message you received is indicating that you need to set your AWS region to us-east-1 to create or manage domains for SageMaker.

You can view the latest supported regions for all AWS services on the AWS regional services page. It's recommended to check there for up-to-date availability before deploying resources.

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answered 2 months ago
  • You likely mean Lightsail above where it says SageMaker?



Amazon Lightsail Domain resources are global in nature i.e. a registered domain or a DNS zone is globally resolvable and globally available. They are not regional like the physical location of a server or a database.

The Domain/DNS resources can be used with your Lightsail instances and other resources existing in ANY region. There are also no restrictions with your physical location and being able to use the Domain/DNS resources.

To interact with the Domain or DNS resources via the API, the region to be set for the AWS SDK/CLI config would be us-east-1 (used by all global resources).

For example, the create-domain CLI command with the region parameter set would look as follows:

aws lightsail create-domain --domain-name --region us-east-1

Hope that helps.


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answered 2 months ago
reviewed 2 months ago

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