Aurora MySQL Database cluster is in a state that cannot be upgraded: Engine bootstrap failed with no mysqld process running


Hi, I tried to upgrade mysql_aurora.2.11.1 (5.7) to mysql_aurora 3.02.2 (8.0.23). The RDS size is r5.2xlarge. It has done the online & offline pre-upgrade check. Then, cloning volume and upgrade process.
However, it was rollback and display the error below in the logs & events at AWS console.
"Database cluster is in a state that cannot be upgraded: Engine bootstrap failed with no mysqld process running..."

I have tried to use r5.4xlarge and upgrade from minor version then to mysql 8.0.23 but still failed. There was no issue to upgrade for my other mysql cluster & DB. Only this cluster having error. Please advise. Thanks.

Regards, Barry

2 Answers
Accepted Answer

I have created a technical case for AWS Support to investigate the issue. It was due to table schema comments that contain invalid UTF-8 characters. After I remove the comment then Aurora can do the upgrade smoothly.

answered a year ago
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reviewed a month ago

Check the Aurora MySQL error log.
You can check "mysql-error.log" from the management console.

I have found someone who is experiencing problems with a situation similar to yours.

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answered a year ago

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