How AWS Client VPN costs are calculated


We are evaluating the possibility of enabling the AWS VPN, but we want to know how it works in terms of how it is charged...

We understand that there are 2 basics concepts that are considered in the VPN use charge: time that VPN is enabled and time that connections through make use of the VPN.... right?

We believe that this service was charged only per use, but time that should be considered to enable a VPN during a contingency could impact our RTO. That is why we need to know if it is possible to have a VPN endpoint "configured" and only "enable/turn it on" when necessary for contingency and **only ** be charged for that usage while endpoint is enabled...

Thanks in advance

1 Answer

In AWS Client VPN you are charged for the number of active client connections per hour and the number of subnets that are associated to Client VPN per hour. The pricing is different per region. SO you will pay a small monthly keeping the connection configured, but the bulk of charges would happen when you use the connection.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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