Amazon SSL Certificate


I have a static website hosted using AWS Amplify, I noticed today that it lost its SSL certificate which was issued by Amazon during Gen 1 days. My domain is on another platform, namecheap and when the SSL was issued, I linked them together (using amazons generated records) and everything was working properly. my domain ends with .org

what I noticed today after checking ACM dashboard domain: type: Amazon Issued status: Failed in use: No Renewal eligibility: Ineligible

I do not know why is the certificate issued to a .com domain instead of .org Is this a bug ? maybe due to the recent changes ?

Also, isn't it supposed to auto renew on its own ? since it is managed by the AWS services?

2 Answers

I also tried refreshing all the records in namecheap dashboard and repropagated the certificate in the aws amplify console

now when I visited the ACM dashboard, there is no longer a certificate for my domain...

answered a month ago
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reviewed 17 days ago

ACM certificates might be ineligible for renewal if any of the following are true:

The certificate isn't associated with another AWS service.
The certificate is expired.
The certificate is imported.
It's a private certificate issued with the IssueCertificate API call.

For more details:

answered a month ago

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