Cloudfront Video Lag Issues


Hii AWS Developers or Community Members, I'm facing some issues with video playing can someone please give me any solution or feedback on what I need to do? I'm using this package for playing a cloudfront video but the video is lagging.

Please give me some solution or feedback

Thank You

asked a year ago217 views
1 Answer

Hi, It could be better if your question came with more information, not just saying what is the player you use.

Back to your question, if you have seen your video playback is laggy, strongly suggest you to check it with 'Developer Tools' loaded. (In Windows, you may just press F12), and switch to the 'network' tab.

And then, you could check the 'timing' tab and understand how much time it taken when the sub-actions loaded video chunks(ex: .ts files)

Or, you may save the result as an HAR[1] file and upload it with the question, the HAR file contains lots of information that would be helpful for the analysis.

After that, people could help you without reading your fortune, nor guessing what happens.

Enter image description here

[1] HAR File - Capture web session traffic -

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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