I am unable to send and receive mails in workmail


I have created a workmail account and enabled the users in it.

But I am unable to send and receive emails for both the users.

Is there anything that I need to enable anything to send and receive emails?

any help is highly appreciated

asked a year ago252 views
1 Answer


I understand that you are unable to send and enable in your WorkMail.

Firstly, I want to inform you that when you create a WorkMail and if all the records of your domain are validated properly there is no need of enabling anything to send and receive emails.

So, I request you to please check if all the records are verified correctly or not? Please follow the document[1] if your domain records are not verified correctly.

Also, Please do refer the document[2] for troubleshooting the mail routing issues.

For Inbound mail issues:

  • Check the MX record for the domain associated with your Amazon WorkMail organization. WorkMail should be the only entry and should have the lowest priority. Multiple MX records can lead to the wrong service receiving messages. Please refer document[1] from references.

  • Check the Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance (DMARC) settings for your organization in the Amazon WorkMail console. DMARC records are used to protect against common attacks, such as spoofing or phishing, that can compromise a user's account credentials. Please refer document[3] from references.

  • Check the Amazon Simple Email Service inbound rule. If the rule contains actions other than Amazon WorkMail, those actions can fail and cause Amazon WorkMail to stop receiving mail. For more information about Amazon SES rules, Please refer document[4] from references.

For Outbound mail issues:

  • Ensure your SPF record includes Amazon SES. Check the domains page in the Amazon WorkMail console to verify. For more information about SPF, Please refer document[5] from references.

  • Ensure Amazon WorkMail has permissions to use the domain. If not, add the domain again by following the document[6] from references.


  • For most of the times, you will be facing issues if the required domains are not validated or if the "INBOUND_MAIL" is not active or it is disabled for the WorkMail organization at SES end. You can resolve the issue by re-adding the domain[6] or by Integrate with Amazon WorkMail action[4].

  • Also, please make sure that if you are using any third party filtering process in front of WorkMail, Please do make sure that the domain is not blocked.

  • Please refer the below link to troubleshoot the mail routing issues.



[1] Verifying domains - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/workmail/latest/adminguide/domain_verification.html

[2] Troubleshooting mail routing issues - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/workmail/latest/adminguide/troubleshooting.html

[3] Enforcing DMARC policies on incoming email - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/workmail/latest/adminguide/inbound-dmarc.html

[4] Integrate with Amazon WorkMail action - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ses/latest/dg/receiving-email-action-workmail.html

[5] Authenticating Email with SPF in Amazon SES - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ses/latest/dg/send-email-authentication-spf.html

[6] Adding a domain - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/workmail/latest/adminguide/add_domain.html

answered a year ago

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