EC2 instance doesn't have access to internet


Hello everybody!
I have a VPC with EC2 windows instance which is located in a private subnet. I have a NAT gateway with EIP which is located in a public subnet and an internet gateway which is attached to the vpc. Also I have a virtual private gateway which is connecting my local network with the windows instance. I have one (main) route table with 3 routes (the local target, pointing to NAT gateway and a route to my local network which is accessed via virtual private gateway). The vpn tunnel is working fine and I am able to connect to my windows instance via RDP over the VPN tunnel. The problem is that I don't have access to internet from that instance. I can make a route with the destination pointing to the virtual private gateway but I don't want to route all the traffic via the VPN to avoid additional charges. ACLs and SG allows all inbound and outbound traffic. Please help me to diagnose the problem.

Edited by: Altaran on Jan 10, 2020 6:22 AM

asked 4 years ago336 views
2 Answers

figured this out. added another route table and add a route to via IGW and it worked for me

answered 4 years ago

Hi Altaran,

It is great to hear that you were able to solve the issue. Please do not hesitate to let us know if you need any further help.


answered 4 years ago

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