Unable to connect to DocumentDB within VPC via EC2 windows host using MongoDB Compass tool.


Hi Team,

Am getting the below error while connecting DocumentDB within VPC via EC2 windows using MongoDB Compass tool.

TLS/SSL is disabled. If possible, enable TLS/SSL to avoid security vulnerabilities. Server selection timed out after 30000 ms.

Please can you advise on this.

  • You can choose between two options. The first option is to create a single security group and allow all traffic ( to attach both resources. The second option involves using two security groups: one for DocumentDB and another for the EC2 instance. For the DocumentDB security group, enable port 27017 with custom TCP, specifying the source as the EC2 security group name. Additionally, for the EC2 instance security group, allow SSH access by specifying the SSH port along with either your specific IP or your organization's IP.

asked 2 years ago293 views
1 Answer

This document may help you debug the issue - https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/documentdb-cannot-connect/

In particular, the first thing to check would be that the security group for DocumentDB allows incoming traffic from the security group of the EC2 machine on the documentDB port, which by default is 27017

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago
  • In my case it dint work though Port 27017, was configured with Security group of EC2 instance in the Inbound rule of the Regional Cluster.

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