On Monitoring a call on Amazon Connect, when Call Manager monitor or barge , this unmute the agent's mic whom he is listening


On Monitoring a call on Amazon Connect, when Call Manager monitor or barge , this unmute the agent's mic automatically even he is in mute, its happening also while switching between monitor and barge

asked 8 months ago257 views
1 Answer

Thank you for raising this challenge. If the behavior is reproduceable I encourage you to log a support ticket for it.

answered 8 months ago
  • This feels like a bug or is a feature request? If a feature request would a support ticket be the best path forward?

  • Based on the investigation the support folks are doing, they should be able to classify this request as a non-conformance or feature request. They also have the ability to raise feature requests for our product team. Either way reported occurrences like this help us improve the product, whether it's a bug or a feature :)

  • in the amazon out of box ccp also same issue

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