How can we filter logstreams while adding a Splunk Subscription on aws batch logs using Cloud Formation Template?


Hello, I am trying to filter some specific log streams (prefix*) while adding a Splunk Subscription in my stack CFT. But, I don't see any options of filtering any logstream. The loggroup is /aws/batch/job and I don't want to replicate all batch logs in splunk.

Can someone please help me here?

asked 4 months ago167 views
2 Answers

Check out the following docs:

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answered 4 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

Hello. I tried to identify if you could do this filter in the Lambda offered as a blueprint, but I couldn't find how. Do you think you could segregate into different Log Groups? This way I would subscribe only to the log group containing logs that go to Splunk. And if you wanted to query using CW Log Insights, you could select both Log Groups.

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answered 4 months ago

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