How to pull a list of all folders in a Workdocs instance?


My team manages about 3TB of data on our Workdocs instance, shared with 1000+ internal and external users. We are attempting to audit our content and ensure everyone who has access to each artifact are the right users to have access. A hurtle we're encountering is that our folders are nested 10 levels or more deep-- there are thousands of subfolders in our Workdoc instance that we need to audit.

Is there any way to pull a list of all the folders under a parent folder, including all the layers of sub-folders? We need a list of every folder that exists in our Workdocs instance.

If anyone has any experience auditing in Workdocs and has advice, that would also be greatly appreciated!

asked 2 years ago532 views
1 Answer

I still don't have a solution for my purpose because I need to pull from a corporate instance rather than my own personal Workdocs (I can't figure out how to get the companion app for a corporate instance), but if anyone else needs this for their personal account, here's the solution I've figured out for that:

  1. download the companion app, go to your file folder and navigate to your Workdocs network folder.
  2. in the search bar, type "kind:=folder" or "kind:=document", or whatever you'd like to pull
  3. once that loads, click Ctrl + a to select all.
  4. holding the Shift key, hover over your selection and right click. select copy as file path
  5. go to excel, and paste the file paths in! for some reason, I couldnt use Ctrl P for this, i had to click the paste icon in excel.
  6. you then can convert text to table using \ as a deliminator if you'd like to separate the file path from the file name or leave as is!
  7. click column A to see the file count

the benefit of this method is it pulls everything, even if its many sub-layers deep :)

If anyone can figure out how i can get our shared corporate instance in my file folder/a work-around/any solution for getting the full list of folders, please let me know!

answered 2 years ago

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