Control Tower Setup Failed


Hi, I was trying to setup Control Tower on personal account but it failed with below reason. In this account earlier I had OU and couple of accounts under OU. But all have been closed couple of days ago.


AWS Control Tower failed to set up your landing zone completely: AWS Control Tower failed to update a stack instance. Reason: User: arn:aws:sts::<UNKNOWN_ACCOUNT_NUMBER>:assumed-role/AWSControlTowerExecution/e5c24f06-bc30-4429-8817-7659776eb838 is not authorized to perform: cloudformation:CreateStack on resource: arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-2:<UNKNOWN_ACCOUNT_NUMBER>:stack/StackSet-AWSControlTowerLoggingResources-e20e52bb-b6a8-4463-b5f6-26c3bdf0f6be/* with an explicit deny in a service control policy Learn more


I am not sure what this 'UNKNOWN_ACCOUNT_NUMBER'(0355XXXXXXXX) is? it doesn't belong to any of my accounts(management or suspended).Does anyone have idea why ControlTower setup failed?

Thanks in advance.

asked a year ago411 views
1 Answer


In case your account is not critical, I prefer that you could close and change your email on this AWS account. (Login to the root account) Then moving forward, create a new one to start from scratch because when deploying the Control Tower, it should follow the correct flow, or it will crash.

Best regards, Minh LE

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Minh Le
answered a year ago

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