spotInstanceCountLimitExceeded even though spot requests are cancelled


Good Day,

I requested a spot instance increase to 96 vCPU's, which was granted. When trying to connect to my created spot instances, however, I was plagued with an "ssh connection timed out" error. I cancelled several spot requests (their instances were terminated automatically) in trying to resolve this error. Even though I have no instances running, and five spot requests labelled "cancelled", I get a spotInstanceCountLimitExceeded error when launching a new spot request (the request is initiated, but no instance is created). Does anyone know what I can do to successfully launch a spot instance, or if this error is temporary, for how long I have to wait before launching a new spot request?

Kind regards!

asked 3 years ago836 views
1 Answer

It seems that I can launch a new spot instance from the EC2 pane by selecting Instances -> Launch Instances and then selecting "spot instance" during setup. Trying to launch a spot request from Spot Requests -> Request Spot Instances does not work. I suppose the latter method requests a spot fleet which does not work for some reason. Although I am now able to launch the instance I require, I will leave my question marked unanswered if somebody wants to elucidate why Spot Requests -> Request Spot Instances did not work.

Edit: my question was automatically marked as answered apparently. I'll leave it like that, then.

Edited by: Trying2AWS on Jan 5, 2021 4:50 AM

answered 3 years ago

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