DNS not propagating after domain migration from one aws account to another


DNS has still not propagated several days after having migrated domain from one aws account (acct1) to another (acct2) with new host zone.

After migrating the domain to acct2, I signed into acct1 and deleted the records that had been added (TXT, CNAME, MX) and then deleted the host zone. Once the domain transfer was validated, I signed into acct2, created a new host zone and added the DNS records (TXT, CNAME, MX) with low TTL values.

It's now been several days and DNS check shows nothing except the NS values (which match the NS shown in Route53). Perhaps I should have migrated the host zone instead of deleting it on acct1 and adding a new one on acct2, but that's water under the bridge at this point. The domain is brunonall (com). Any help is much appreciated.

asked 21 days ago286 views
2 Answers


If you have any problems with domain transfer, etc., you may be able to open a case with AWS Support under "Account and Billing".

By the way, did you follow the steps in the document below to migrate domains between accounts?

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answered 21 days ago
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reviewed 18 days ago

Ensure you have updated the Glue records to point your domain to the new Zone.


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answered 21 days ago

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