MSK Connect & TinyBird


Hi, I'm looking to move from Azure EventHub to MSK on AWS. We use Azure EventHub to connect to TinyBird and send events. Will MSK Connect be a good choice here? Does it have integrations with TinyBird?


asked a year ago326 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Answering my own question: TinyBird connects to MSK directly, without the need for MSK Connect.

answered a year ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

What kind of events are you sending to Tinybird? How often do you need to send them? Do you have any specific requirements for latency or reliability? These questions might help you decide if MSK Connect is a good choice for your use case.

MSK Connect is a feature of Amazon MSK that makes it easy for developers to stream data to and from their Apache Kafka clusters. MSK Connect uses Kafka Connect 2.7.1, an open-source framework for connecting Apache Kafka clusters with external systems such as databases, search indexes, and file systems (Reference). However, Amazon MSK does not provide managed connectors, so you have to use 3rd party connectors or run them yourself. I could not find any official integration between Tinybird and MSK Connect.

But Tinybird does provide an example in their blog where they connected directly to Kafka

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • Exactly - I found out that Tinybird connects directly to Kafka, so MSK Connect is not required. Thank you!

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