Could not create session. The maximum number of sessions has been reached


i installed nice dcv on my linux ec2 instance using the cloud formation and this works well, but i am unable to make sessions

dcv list-sessions
Session: 'console' (owner:dcvuser type:console)

then if i run this to just test:

dcv create-session test
Could not create session. The maximum number of sessions has been reached

don't know if i am missing anything or not doing it properly, what i plan to do eventually is to have multiple sessions for users that visit my web, and i just auto start an application when the open up on the web (they won't have access to the pc, kind of how appStream2.0 works)

asked a month ago202 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer
dcv list-sessions
Session: 'console' (owner:dcvuser type:console)

You can only have one console session per server. To support multiple sessions, you need to disable console and switch to virtual sessions

More information at Introduction to NICE DCV sessions

answered a month ago
  • ah, this is it! thank Mike, [ec2-user@ip-172-31-54-197 ~]$ sudo dcv list-sessions Session: 'testing' (owner:ec2-user type:virtual) Session: 'test' (owner:ec2-user type:virtual)



What is the value that you gave to --max-concurrent-clients ?


dcv create-session \
    --type console|virtual \
    --name session_name \
    --user username \
    --owner owner_name \
    --permissions-file /path_to/permissions_file \
    --storage-root /path_to/storage_directory \
    --gl on|off \
    --max-concurrent-clients number_of_clients \
    --init /path_to/init_script \



profile pictureAWS
answered a month ago
  • in my config /etc/dcv/dcv.conf i have the max-concurrent-clients commented out which default to -1 (no limit is enforced) , in creating a new session i am for test just using the dcv create-session session_ID which gives me that error of Could not create session. The maximum number of sessions has been reached

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