Using company (corporate) card as primary payment means


We are transferring one of AWS accounts under a company's (organization's) account, and we plan to use corporate card to pay the AWS bills.

Company is based in Russian Federation. Should we expect any problems paying with corporate card:

  • whether the taxes are added automatically to our bills
  • whether such a card is accepted as payment means
  • whether the base currency of RUR is OK with AWS



asked 4 years ago291 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Hi Konstantin,

It may be best to discuss this via case in the Support Center in order to get the most specific info, but I'll try my best to answer your questions.

"Whether the taxes are added automatically to our bills"

  • All VAT collected by AWS Europe from customers in Russia will be paid to the Federal Tax Service of Russia, please check out the info on this page for more details:

"Whether such a card is accepted as payment means"

"Whether the base currency of RUR is OK with AWS"
We currently do not accept payments for RUR, but this list isn't fixed and maybe expanded upon in the future. The currently supported currencies can be found here:

If you have more specific questions to this, please open a case in the Support Center:

Warm regards,
Craig E.

answered 4 years ago
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reviewed a month ago

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