Custom headers per recipient using SES API SendBulkEmail


Are there any plans to support custom headers per recipient using the send_bulk_email API? The Yahoo/Gmail requirements regarding bulk senders are already in effect, and using the send_email API is impractical when you need to send hundreds of thousands of emails.

I would like to define a Link-Unsubscribe header with a different URL for each recipient. I was expecting to have something similar as "ReplacementTags" and "ReplacementTemplateData" for the headers.

        'Template': {
            'Headers': [
                    'Name': 'string',
                    'Value': 'string'
            'ReplacementTags': [
                    'Name': 'string',
                    'Value': 'string'
            'ReplacementEmailContent': {
                'ReplacementTemplate': {
                    'ReplacementTemplateData': 'string',
                    'ReplacementTemplateHeaders': [{...}]
  • Same question here… SendBulkEmail should be able to handle variable header values (for each recipient). Otherwise, it won’t be possible to define custom unsubscribe links, that are essential to identify the user that needs to be unsubscribed (using an UUID, for example).

  • Yes this is strong requirement for us also. Having to look at other email providers

asked 2 months ago148 views
1 Answer

The SES team recently released support for specifying custom headers for each destination in SendBulkEmail calls:

answered a month ago

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