Redshift serverless snapshot status creating never finisher


Good day Everyone. I am trying create a new manual redshift server snapshot using databackup board, however the backup never ending, still in status creating and size = 0. I cannot delete, or do anything, unless change the retention time.

I already check conectivity, limits, resources and logs, and did not find anythng unusual or errors.

In the same account another namespace/group the backup is normal.

I think in create a new grp/namespace, export/import the data, however this is not a easy solution, either answer the que question why thi is happen.

Any thoughts, suggestions? Thankyou in advance

asked 3 months ago284 views
2 Answers

Hello Arnaldo,

Can you clarify - are you using AWS Backup to create a Redshift provisioned cluster snapshot and restore to a serverless namespace ?

answered 3 months ago

Ranjan, I am not using AWS Back, only the simple manual backup to create a new snapshot for Redshift serverless namespace

answered 3 months ago

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