Will enabling slow query logging require RDS instance reboot?


Hello everyone,

I have question concerning slow query logging. Right now, in our RDS instance we do have error logging enabled but not slow query logging. I saw, only that this enabled by setting slow_query_log to 1. Is this equivalent to selecting in the modify section, under the log exports the "Slow query log" because in this case, if I am not mistaken, the db instance it is rebooted.

Thank you in advance!


4 Answers


There is no need to restart RDS if the only setting is to output slow query logs.

If you want to output to CloudWatch Logs, you need to check Slow Query from the RDS changes section to reflect the changes.
According to the documentation, there doesn't seem to be any downtime, but we recommend that you try it in a verification environment before making any changes to your production environment.

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answered 5 months ago
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reviewed 5 months ago


slow_query_log is a dynamic parameter. You can change it without rebooting the instance. But you need a DB reboot, if you are currently using default parameter group, you need to create a new parameter group with the slow_query_log parameter set to 1 and assign the parameter group and DB instance reboot is required.

answered 5 months ago

Just adding my test results, even modifying the instance with a new custom parameter group with slow_query_log = 1 (dynamic) did not reboot the instance. It is nice! Enter image description here

answered 5 months ago

Thank you a lot. You are right It was tested and indeed setting the value to 1 in the existing custom parameter group and enabling the export to cloudwatch from the modify section. Did not require reboot of the RDS instance

answered 5 months ago

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