Node group stuck at "Create failed" status


Our node group probably ran into service quota limit issue which led it to "Create failed" status. The service quota has been lifted, and node have been created. But the node group still remain at "Create failed", which blocks us from making changes to it. Any way to force it to update?

asked 4 months ago403 views
3 Answers
Accepted Answer

This will involve a little troubleshooting :- You can attempt to update the node group by using the AWS CLI or the AWS Management Console. This can sometimes trigger a reevaluation of the node group's status

aws eks update-nodegroup-version \
    --region your-region \
    --cluster-name your-cluster-name \
    --nodegroup-name your-nodegroup-name \
    --launch-template version=1

Replace your-region, your-cluster-name, and your-nodegroup-name with your specific values

If updating the node group does not resolve the issue, consider deleting and recreating the node group:

aws eks delete-nodegroup \
    --region your-region \
    --cluster-name your-cluster-name \
    --nodegroup-name your-nodegroup-name

Wait for the deletion to complete, and then create the node group again

open the Amazon EKS Console. In the navigation pane, choose "Clusters" and select your EKS cluster. In the "Cluster details" page, navigate to the "Node groups" tab. Select your node group and click "Delete." After deletion is complete, click "Add node group" to create a new node group.

If the above steps do not resolve the issue, it's recommended to contact AWS Support for assistance. They can provide insights into the specific issue with your node group and help you troubleshoot and resolve the problem

Hope it clarifies and if does I would appreciate answer to be accepted so that community can benefit for clarity, thanks ;)

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answered 4 months ago
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reviewed 17 days ago
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reviewed 3 months ago

Ended up deleting the node group and recreating it

answered 4 months ago
  • Could you please share what you did? In your reply below, you mentioned that you encountered the error 'An error occurred (ResourceInUseException) when calling the UpdateNodegroupVersion operation: Nodegroup cannot be updated as it is currently not in Active State.' Kindly share how you resolved it, as it will be useful to others who might encounter the issue in the future and need to resolve their own

  • @dennispan I am facing the same error, how did you fix it?


Thanks for the response. It wouldn't let me update with this error:

An error occurred (ResourceInUseException) when calling the UpdateNodegroupVersion operation: Nodegroup cannot be updated as it is currently not in Active State
answered 4 months ago
  • Could you please share what you did? In your reply above, you mentioned that you encountered the error 'An error occurred (ResourceInUseException) when calling the UpdateNodegroupVersion operation: Nodegroup cannot be updated as it is currently not in Active State.' Kindly share how you resolved it, as it will be useful to others who might encounter the issue in the future and need to resolve their own

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