Metamask not connecting to Private Ethereum network setup using AWS Ethereum BlockChain Template


Hi, I have created a private Ethereum block chain using the AWS provided Ethereum Blockchain template in us-east-1. I have followed the following How-To

The stack gets up, i can see the stats and explorer urls using the bastion host. But Metamask does not connects to the provided url on port 8545. What could be the reason. although port 8545 responds to telnet, this means its not blocked. I am head over heels to find a solution so that metamask connects and i can see my chain.Chain ID i have given in the stack is 4444

asked 2 years ago490 views
1 Answer


Thank you for using AWS Blockchain.

It's unfortunate to hear that you are encountering difficulty while establishing connection from Metamask. Due to lack of visibility on the implementation used at your end and error occurred at your end, it is difficult to identify what could be missing in the network configuration.

I understand that you have followed the VPC Prerequisites,please note if security group rules are not configured as per the requirements that could also block connection to established. I'd recommend you to verify the Security Group Prerequisites because that configuration also falls under the networking configuration and after verifying the security group configuration.

If you still continue to encounter the issue, I'd recommend you to reach out to AWS Support for further investigation of the issue along with all the resource details as sharing resource details is not recommended to share on this platform.

Open a support case with AWS using the link:

answered 2 years ago

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