How to get insight into an EKS Kubernetes version update error


In the EKS web console, it gives me the following warning at the top of the dashboard: "This cluster is running the oldest Kubernetes version currently supported by Amazon EKS. Ensure that your cluster is updated before the version end of support date." And it has a "Update now" button. But every time I try to update, it fails silently. No errors or logs to go on.

When I select the button, it shows me that I am able to update from Kubernetes 1.22 to 1.23. After clicking Update, the status of the cluster changes to "Updating" for a couple minutes, but then back to "Active". And the version is still at 1.22. In the "Update history" tab, I can see the failed attempt. It has an Update ID, Submission time, Type, and Status. The type is VersionUpdate, and Status is Failed. When I click on it, the Error count is zero, and no errors are displayed. Only a status of Failed. How can I find out why the upgrade failed? Thanks in advance.

asked a year ago616 views
2 Answers

Hi. Error should be there in the update history. Try to update nodes and only then EKS.

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answered a year ago

The problem seems to have resolved itself. After attempting a few days later, the upgrade worked. The only difference was the Platform Version was updated from eks.6 to eks7. The Update ID of the failed attempt: { "update": { "id": "cbb53f20-b5e2-4cf0-b95a-f6634e71b9de", "status": "Failed", "type": "VersionUpdate", "params": [ { "type": "Version", "value": "1.23" }, { "type": "PlatformVersion", "value": "eks.6" } ], "createdAt": 1680798494.173, "errors": [] } } The Update ID of the successful attempt: { "update": { "id": "f0e0c973-d8c0-4bd2-85e3-99e1b8dd8aa2", "status": "Successful", "type": "VersionUpdate", "params": [ { "type": "Version", "value": "1.23" }, { "type": "PlatformVersion", "value": "eks.7" } ], "createdAt": 1681132540.091, "errors": [] } } According to AWS "Amazon EKS automatically upgrades all existing clusters to the latest Amazon EKS platform version for their corresponding Kubernetes minor version" (

answered a year ago

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