Unexpected Bill, learning.


I am using aws as learning. But i have no knowledge about billing. suddenly i saw aws billing dashboard Amount USD 180, i was studying, I have no money to pay

asked 19 days ago152 views
2 Answers

Hello Lucas,

First thing first, please delete the resources that you have used so far, so it won't incur more charges.

Second, Open Support Services and open Ticket with support under Account & Billing and Submit a request to them for help and explain your situation.

If you open new account you have 1 year free tier for resources and you can review them from here: https://aws.amazon.com/free/

it is always recommended to check out its pricing page or use the Pricing Calculator. https://calculator.aws before you start using the new services.

answered 19 days ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 19 days ago
answered 18 days ago

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