Elasticbeanstalk nohup logs


We utilise ebextension to reroute nohup logs. The existing Elasticbeanstalk Application is located in us-east-2. However, by default, the log group formed through this ebextension is created in us-east-1.

My goal is to change this default action, so that the log group will be created in us-east-2 instead.

This is what a section of the log group appears like in the configuration file:

files: "/etc/awslogs/config/nohup.out.conf": mode: "000644" content: | [/var/log/test/nohup.out] log_group_name=/aws/elasticbeanstalk/{"Ref": "AWSEBEnvironmentName"}/nohup.out log_stream_name={instance_id} file=/var/log/test/nohup.out

I attempted to input region=us-east-2, but there were no alterations.

is the awslogs config or awscli config files, support changing the region. ??

asked 7 months ago100 views
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