AppStream 2.0 - Regional Settings Issues



I'm currently proof-of-concept/testing the migration of our (usually installed on-premise) winforms/sql application to AppStream/RDS and I must say i'm completely blown away by how awesome AppStream technology is, it's going to enable me to SaaS our software solution at just the right time commercially...

I do have an odd situation though, it seems the regional settings don't persist when a user first logs into and starts the application, my application starts and all dates are in US format (MM/DD/YYYY) when they need to be UK format (DD/MM/YYYY)

Clicking on the settings and re-applying/saving the UK regional settings and then restarting the app fixes the issue but the next time a user starts a session the regional setting has not persisted and dates are back to default US style...

The behaviour is identical for browser or appstream client.

My fleet is elastic and I created my application/appblock/script/vhd/stack/fleet/bucket etc. etc. by following this rather excellent workshop guide

Is there any way to "bake in" the regional settings? Can i add something to the VHD mounting script to set locale of the underlying windows image?

The image builder i used to make the VHD has the correct locale settings but I imagine that is irrelevant anyway as I suspect the issue lies with the "Supported operating systems (OS)" (Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Base) setting on the AppStream application...

Any tips/insight would be very helpful!

Thanks, Dean

asked a year ago445 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

I see two paths that you could explore and test further.

1/ Update the setup script to run the command to set the UK regional settings. The setup script already runs in the system context to mount the VHD.

2/ Use a session script to run before the session. This is probably the better approach, and keeps your mounting and configuration logic separate.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed a year ago
  • Hi Jeremy,

    Thank you so much for the help it seems obvious now and i probably could have found this if i'd looked in the documentation a bit further, I will attempt the session script route.




I've tried a session script to no avail (created a zip file with config.json and a powershell script) , I've also tried adding "Set-WinSystemLocale en-GB" to the powershell script that mounts the VHDX file and still no joy.

When initially starting the appstream session my application starts because user is prompted to "choose your app to get started"

When the app is initially loaded if i then quit the application and restart it by choosing it from the catalogue then the correct UK regional settings have been applied...

It's the initial startup of the application that seems to have default US regional settings applied...

This is ruining the user experience because i'll have to tell users to quit the application and then start it again to have correct date formats shown in all screens :(

Is this a "bug" in appstream elastic fleets?

answered a year ago

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