Accessing AWS Secrets Manager from Redshift cluster


Hi, is there any possibility to access a secret and its content, stored in AWS Secrets Manager using a sql query from a Redshift cluster?

2 Answers
Accepted Answer

You can use Lambda UDFs to retrieve AWS Secret Manager secret's information using SQL statements in Redshift.

  1. Create a lambda function that takes secret ARN as input and returns the required information from secret as output
  2. Create a Lambda UDF in Redshift to invoke the lambda function using SQL statements

Example provided in this blog shows how to access Amazon DynamoDB using Lambda UDFs. You can access AWS Secret Manager in a similar way. You can follow this blog to understand how to retrieve secret information securely using AWS Lambda

Also, that there are many other alternative ways to retrieve secrets. You can retrieve from AWS console, the AWS CLI (get-secret-value) or using the GetSecretValue API .Please refer to retrieve secrets documentation to know more about these alternatives.

answered a year ago
reviewed a year ago


One option is to use redshift data api (, in combination with sdk libraries ( and combine/filter the results.

Hope it helps ;)

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answered a year ago

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