Why Increasing the duration of RDS Reader DB performance insights by more than an hour only shows data from 5 to 10 minutes


Hello re:post community,

I am working as a cloud engineer at a certain company. The issue is as stated in the title, but I would like to briefly explain it once more.

Even when I set the period for RDS Performance Insights, it only shows data for up to 10 minutes. As shown in the picture below, even if I set the data period for 1 hour, it only displays data for about 5 to 10 minutes, 여기에 이미지 설명 입력

just like the title and description. Therefore, I have taken the following steps to solve this problem:

  • List of attempts to solve the issue:
  1. Deleting and recreating the RDS Reader DB
  2. Extending the retention period of Performance Insights However, despite these attempts, there has been no change, so I am seeking advice from the re:post community.
3 Answers
Accepted Answer

From your description, I assume that the database instance in question is a Reader instance. Are you executing any SQL queries on this reader instance? Please note that the Performance Insights graph only displays the database load from active sessions on the database instance. If there are no active sessions on the replica instance, the graph will appear empty, as shown in the screenshot. I suspect that the load generated in the last 5-10 minutes is due to the replica processes applying SQL queries to synchronize with the primary database. So I think there is no issue with you performance insights graph. If you want to check the DB load of the writer instance select the writer in the drop down.

answered 5 months ago
  • Hello Joseph,

    First, thank you for your response to my question. I would like to list and discuss the points you mentioned:

    1. Is the leader instance continuously executing SQL queries? = Yes, it is continuously executing.
    2. The leader instance in the screenshot has been running for about a month, and currently, it remains the same as shown in the screenshot.
    3. The performance improvement assistant feature is working fine on the writer instance.

Ok. It is strange that you don't see DB load in the PI graph even if you have active db connections running some SQLs on the reader/replica instance. Performance Insights samples the state of connected sessions in your DB instance every second. Unless your sessions are disconnected for less than a second, it is very unlikely that those are missed from the graph. I suggest to reverify the correct reader endpoint in the application. Also check the active session on the database by connecting to the database directly and run the SQL queries. e..g, if your db engine is MySQL you can use below query SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST; if it is postgresql: SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity; If you find the active sessions but can't see through Performance Insights, I suggest to open a case with AWS support.

answered 5 months ago
  • Joseph, I followed your suggestion and checked using the query. It confirmed that the queries are running normally. However, we are unable to open a support case as you advised, because our current Support Plan is BASIC, which does not allow us to do so. That's why we are seeking help on re:post.SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST;


I see. I am out of ideas now. Interested see if anyone else faced the similar issue and found a solution.

answered 5 months ago

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