Want to call GetContactAttributes api from vxml based IVR application, Retrieves the contact attributes for the specified contact and we can make some decisions there in VXML based IVR application?


Want to call the GetContactAttributes API from a VXML-based IVR application that retrieves the contact attributes for the specified contact and we want to do some decisions. How to call GetContactAttributes API from VXML based IVR application?

1 Answer

I assume you're integrating some legacy CC with Connect, more than likely fronting calls with Connect and the transferring them to your on prem CC. I've done something similar with Connect and Cisco UCCE and it works well. The right way and possibility the most scalable is to do a good bit of work up front. Setup a Cloudfront end point, that goes to an API gateway, which then hits an Lambda that makes the GetContactAttributes request to Connect. This also allows you the ability to consume this API from the agent desktop without any more work as well as potentially add more attributes from your other CC platform into Connect for more robust reporting.


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answered 17 days ago
  • @dmacias you got it right, the thing is when we come back from amazon connect contact flow to enterprise IVR based on VXML, that time we we want to call getContactAttributes API from enterprise VXML IVR, we can get contact attributes as a response, can you guide us on this path

  • I'm not sure I follow what you're asking me now. You setup the above infrastructure on AWS, then in your VXML app you use a REST element to hit your API endpoint.

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