partial replication in dynamoDB global tables


DynamoDB documentation on global tables is not very clear when it says this,

"With a global table, each replica table stores the same set of data items. DynamoDB does not support partial replication of only some of the items."

Ref -

What does this mean exactly?

Could someone explain this with an example?


asked 5 years ago517 views
3 Answers
Accepted Answer

Lets say you have a Global table with replicas in region 'us-east-1' and 'us-west-2'. You have performed write operation (100 items) on replica in region 'us-east-1'. So by default all 100 items will be replicated to table in us-west-2. You cant restrict or configure your Global table to only partially replicate only few items (lets say 5 out of 100).

This is what is mentioned in developer docs you are referencing

Hopefully it helps. Let us know if you have any other questions

answered 5 years ago

Thanks for the reply Ankur. That seems to be what they have said.
Why would anyone want to do that though?

answered 5 years ago

shantanus wrote:
Thanks for the reply Ankur. That seems to be what they have said.
Why would anyone want to do that though?
For example, some customers have policies, regulations, etc. that require certain data not leave home regions.


answered 5 years ago

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