Cannot attach instance parameter group to mysql v8 DB instance on aurora v3


I created an aurora-mysql8.0 DB instance parameter group. But I couldn't attach it to the DB instance (with mysql engine 8.0.35) in the same region. Basically, when I "Modify" the instance, under the "Database options > DB parameter group", there is no other instance parameter group (except the default one) to select, including the aurora-mysql8.0 DB instance parameter group I made. However, the same steps use to work on aurora v2 with mysql 5.7 engine instance and aurora-mysql5.7 DB instance parameter group.

3 Answers
Accepted Answer

Okay. I found the answer from AWS support.

It appears that the DB Parameter Group (event-service-rds-db-instance-dev-pg) is of the Engine Version Aurora MySQL 8.0.

It also appears that the DB Instance (event-service-rds-db-instance-dev) is of the Engine Version MySQL 8.0.35.

In order to attach a Custom Parameter Group to this DB Instance, you will need to create a MySQL DB Parameter Group and not an Aurora MySQL DB Parameter Group.

Ensure when creating your Parameter Group, for the Engine Type, you want to select MySQL Community Edition. Then you can select the Parameter group family as mysql8.0.

The mysql8.0 applies to all versions of MySQL 8.0, including the MySQL Version 8.0.35 currently being run on your DB Instance (event-service-rds-db-instance-dev).

Once you create this DB Parameter Group, you will be able to modify the parameter "max_execution_time" parameter to your desired value. And then you should be able to modify your DB Instance (event-service-rds-db-instance-dev) to use this DB Parameter Group.

answered a month ago


Is the target parameter group "DB instance parameter group" as shown in the image below?
If you want to change the parameter group for an instance rather than a cluster, you must create a parameter group for the instance.

profile picture
answered a month ago
  • Yes. The target is DB instance. The parameter group is DB instance parameter group. I will attach the screenshot below.


Enter image description here

The DB instance Engine version mysql 8.0.35

The DB parameter group aurora-mysql8.0 is a DB "instance parameter group" (there is no option for 8.0.35 to match the DB instance engine version exactly)

Both are in USE1 region.

The same exact steps in instance "Modify" page work for version 5.7. But doesn't work for version 8. Because the dropdown list doesn't show the new "instance parameter group" to attach, like the 5.7 did. The only difference is that in 5.7 mysql both instance and instance parameter group have the same version that is 5.7. But when it comes to mysql 8, the instance engine is 8.0.35, while the instance parameter group only has an option for 8.0, and that's the closest option.

answered a month ago

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