How to find deadlock process in RDS My SQL and set alarm notification?


My customers encounter the problem of SQL process deadlock when using RDS MySQL, I would like to know how to find these processes in RDS MySQL and set up alarm notification when triggered?and how to process the issue?

asked 2 years ago1201 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

To identify deadlocks on a database, please enable the innodb_print_all_deadlock and innodb_deadlock_detect parameter in the parameter group to log all deadlocks to errorlog. The INFORMATION_SCHEMA INNODB_TRX table can be queried. This gives you precise details about every running transaction in INNODB, including waits. Next, you can get error logs through Cloudwatch log, and filter keywords for alarm notification.

answered 2 years ago
  • thanks Colin, your advice is very helpful for me to solve the issue. and the problem is solved.


thanks very much. it's helpful and the issue is solved by your advice.

answered 2 years ago

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