Unresponsive or laggy EC2


Signed up for a free tier EC2 yesterday. Right from the time I launched RDP, before I had begun, I am faced with extremely slow to often unresponsive RDP. Its taking upto 10-15 secs to open task manager. Also data transfers between PC and rdp is painfully slow. Is this supposed to happen?

asked 4 months ago227 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


The t2.micro available in the free tier only has 0.5GB of memory, which is a little insufficient for GUI operations using RDP.

Additionally, Windows Server spec requirements also recommend 2GB or more of memory when using Desktop Experience.
Therefore, when using the GUI with RDP, we recommend specs of t2.small (in my experience, t2.medium is more comfortable) or higher.

512 MB (2 GB for Server with Desktop Experience installation option)

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answered 4 months ago

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