Unassigned AWS Support Ticket


To the AWS Support Team,

I am writing to bring your attention to my support ticket, which has remained unassigned for the past six days. The specific ticket reference number is xxxxxxxxxxx.

we encountered a latency issues from Cloud Front and all the essential details pertaining to my concern have been included within the ticket, yet I have not received any response thus far.

I kindly request your prompt attention to this matter. It would be greatly appreciated if you could assign my ticket to a dedicated technical support engineer for a swift resolution.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

*removed case ID, 9/21/23 — AWS Support Ann

asked 9 months ago279 views
2 Answers

Thanks for posting your question here.

I'd like you to make sure that you chose the right severity level, while logging the case. As you described case is unassigned for past six days, that definitely doesn't fall in any of the severity target response time. If it's production down situation, then you should choose Production system down. If you are not getting response in the existing case, I'd suggest you to log another case with this severity level and choose chat/call option instead of web or update the existing case and choose chat/call option.

Depending on which support plan you have, following is the target response time for each severity level:

  1. Developer Support Plan:

    General guidance: < 24 hours**
    System impaired: < 12 hours**
  2. Business Support Plan:

     General guidance: < 24 hours
     System impaired: < 12 hours
     Production system impaired: < 4 hours
     Production system down: < 1 hour
  3. Enterprise Onramp Support Plan:

    General guidance: < 24 hours
    System impaired: < 12 hours
    Production system impaired: < 4 hours
     Production system down: < 1 hour
    Business-critical system down: < 30 minutes
  4. Enterprise Support Plan:

     General guidance: < 24 hours
     System impaired: < 12 hours
     Production system impaired: < 4 hours
    Production system down: < 1 hour
    Business/Mission-critical system down: < 15 minutes

Please refer AWS Support Plan documentation for target response times for each severity level of the case.

Hope this helps.

Comment here if you have additional questions, happy to help.


profile pictureAWS
answered 9 months ago

Hello, I would recommend you need to work via support ticket. Thanks.

answered 9 months ago

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