Writing IOT Data to S3


So am receiving data via IOT core. Applying a rule to route the data to S3.

You can see the it "last modified" update but when I look for entries it is empty?

CloudWatch is giving me the following: {"timestamp":"2022-02-07 02:04:46.802","logLevel":"INFO",].....","status":"Success","eventType":"RuleExecution","clientId":"MKR1010","topicName":"MKR1010/pub","ruleName":"mkr1010tos3","ruleAction":"S3Action","resources":{"Bucket":"mkr1010s3","Key":"mkr1010"},"principalId":"2b035d1e541ac061be9a5498254aff0e21c771b2a96e470a7b2a287fc6f34b59"}

Not quite sure why.

When I change to rule to send it to a dynamoDB...then the data is being stored as expected.

I know that S3 is not the best way to do this but I would like to know what is missing when the CloudWatch logs show successful execution??


  • so iot core is receiving data via a topic and you save the date into an S3 file ? streaming or a different file for each bit of data ?

2 Answers


I understand that you are attempting to write IoT data into s3 but that it is not being stored as expected. You also mentioned that it works for DynamoDB and that you have received a success message but that the entries are empty.

In order to remediate this issue, please check that the role associated with your IoT rule provides IoT with the necessary permissions to write the data to s3. In addition, ensure that in your rule, you have added the action "Store a message in an Amazon S3 bucket" [1].

Please confirm whether you are having issues in getting the last modified data or if you are not seeing any entries related to IoT, as this will help me provide you with a better response.

Let me know if this response helps to resolve your issue or if you have any questions. If the above steps do not resolve your issue, I strongly advise you to contact an AWS support engineer who will be able to assist you.

Link to documentation:


answered 2 years ago

For anyone who else might face an issue where they create a rule with the action to store a message to S3 make sure you check the following:

  1. Check the "MQTT test client" to make sure that your messages are coming into the desired topic
  2. Make sure that your rule is using an IAM role that has the necessary permissions to put objects into your specified bucket
  3. Also make sure that the region of your S3 bucket is the same as your IoT Core region
answered 7 months ago

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