How to create and interaction between google drive and aws s3?


I'm trying to set up a connection a Google Drive folder and S3 bucket, but I'm not sure where to start. I've already created a sort of "Frankenstein process", but it's easy to use only by me and sharing it to my co-workers it's a pain.

I have a script that generates a plain text file and saves it into a drive folder. And to upload, I've installed Drive file stream to save it in my mac, then all I did was create a script using Python3, with the boto3 library, to upload the text file into different s3 buckets depending on the file name.

I was thinking that I can create a lambda to process the file into the s3 buckets but I cannot resolve how to create the connection between drive and s3. I would appreciate if someone could give me a piece of advise on how to start with this.

asked 5 years ago2786 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

if you just simply want to connect google drive and aws s3 there is one service name zapier which provide different type of integration without line of code
For more details you can check this link out

answered 5 years ago

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