Amazon Connect - Quick Connect to External Phone Numbers


Hi There, I have created a quick connect to an external phone number, lets say a mobile number. If I make a call to the quick connect from the CCP, this call will generate a CTR record for an outbound call. If I try to make a call to the same quick connect, while I'm on a call (inbound/outbound) and consults with the quick connect destination, disconnects and come back to speak to the call. In this scenario, I cannot seem to find a CTR record generated for the outbound call I made, and I cannot seem to find any trace within Connect Contact search telling me that this consultation had taken place. If the call was transferred to the quick connect destination, I'll see the transfercompletedtimestamp and transferendpoint datapoints populate, which helps. Can you please advise if I can get the data relating to the consultation with the quick connect (external number) somewhere.

Thanks a mill, Jithin

2 Answers

You are correct, today we do not create a CTR for a consult call, but we do have a feature request for it. Stand by.

answered 8 months ago
  • Thanks for confirming that Magda. Is there any datapoint on the CTR of the original call looking at which we could say, the agent had made a consultation ?

    Regards, Jithin

  • Any link you can share Magda for this feature request? We have having a similar issue here where we need to report on call transfer (in Salesforce Voice). This works with transfer to user and transfer to queue (using quick connects), but to external phone number, there is nothing we can report on and this starts with AWS since there's nothing on this side we can use for this

  • Please check out our release notes and details. The 3p CTRs contact records are now available.


Wow that was quick. Now it's in the end of Salesforce I guess! Will have a look at this new feature and see if we can use it as per our needs

Thanks Magda

answered 7 months ago

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