Next JS - AWS Amplify Build Cache


I have a Next JS project hosted on AWS Amplify. I am having a strange problem with my following pages /Salesforce and /SageIntacct. I am trying to simply make them lowercase however when they are in a live environment the pages for /salesforce and /sageintacct go blank when i navigate to them.

asked 8 months ago540 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Hello. Ensure that the file names and folder names in your Next.js project match the URLs you are trying to access exactly in terms of case. For example, if you have a page at /Salesforce.js, make sure the file name is exactly Salesforce.js, with the correct capitalization.

Sometimes, issues like this can be related to caching. Clear the cache of your browser and try accessing the pages again to see if the issue persists

Best regards, Andrii

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answered 8 months ago
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reviewed 23 days ago
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reviewed 8 months ago

Hi thanks for coming back to me soo quick. I've tried both of those methods but to no avail. When I have it deployed with the changes and navigate to say /Salesforce it will still work but the new updated /salesforce doesn't work.

answered 8 months ago

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