WordPress on AWS


I would like to deploy this architecture on the Singapore region. How should I do? https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-refarch-wordpress Thank you very much.

asked 15 days ago181 views
2 Answers


To deploy WordPress on AWS, there are three main options for hosting your WordPress website [1]:

  1. Amazon Lightsail
  2. Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2)
  3. AWS Marketplace

AWS recommends using Lightsail for a single-server WordPress website as it is the most straightforward implementation.

If you need a scalable architecture for your WordPress application, refer to the documented architecture here [2]. To deploy this architecture in the Singapore region (ap-southeast-1), download the template from the following link:


Then, add the region ap-southeast-1 inside the AvailableAWSRegion conditions like this:

Enter image description here

This modification will allow you to deploy the reference architecture in your preferred region using AWS CloudFormation. Documentation on how to create a stack https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/cfn-console-create-stack.html

I would be glad to assist you further!


  1. Available Approaches for Hosting WordPress on AWS
  2. Reference Architecture for Scalable WordPress on AWS
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answered 14 days ago

The stack fails after I specify all the parameters to the cloudformation and click create stack

Thank you very much.

answered 12 days ago

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