TABLE_REDIRECTION_ERROR on Glue Catalog Delta Table


I have a Databricks pipeline set up to create Delta tables, using Glue Catalog as the Metastore. I was able to query the Delta table via Athena successfully. However, starting from 2024-02-06, I began encountering TABLE_REDIRECTION_ERROR.

SELECT * FROM "<database>"."<table>" limit 10;
TABLE_REDIRECTION_ERROR: Table 'awsdatacatalog.<database>.<table>' redirected to 'awsdatacatalog$delta-lake-aws.<database>.<table>', 
but the target table 'awsdatacatalog$delta-lake-aws.<database>.<table>' does not exist.!

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asked 4 months ago176 views
1 Answer


I would like to inform in Athena, for Delta Lake tables, CREATE TABLE statements should include only the LOCATION and table_type property. Hence, any additional table properties are not supported in Athena for delta table. I would suggest you to check the table DDL and verify if it contains any other property like CLUSTER BY then remove it from create table statement.


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answered 3 months ago

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