Delete Emails using IMAP/EWS


I’m currently working on a project that involves automating certain tasks. One of these tasks is to delete emails from a workmail inbox after confirming their delivery. I’m using the node.js library imap-simple for this task. However, I’ve run into a problem: when I fetch the emails, the response only provides a ‘messageId’, but for the deletion process in this library, I need a UID (Unique Identifier).

So, I have three questions:

  1. Is there a way to delete emails using IMAP/EWS?
  2. Is there a way to retrieve a UID instead of a ‘messageId’?
  3. Could you direct me to any documentation or resources that might help me understand this better?
asked 7 months ago198 views
1 Answer

Hi there,

From the notes, I understand that you want to know if there is a way to delete emails using IMAP/EWS and if there is to retrieve a UID of a message id.

I have found a documentation explaining the same, see attached link below for more Information [1].

I hope the Information on the link is helpful.

Reference: [1]

answered 7 months ago

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